There is not a non-interesting animal in the world, but let’s be honest that some are more interesting than others. The way they look, behave, reproduce, or combine make them rare specimens different from all other animals. In this article, we will look at all the fascinating animals (some you may not even know that…
Tag: Animals
Fascinating Bible Verses About Animals
I think I was born an animal lover. I never thought working up to loving them was a thing I had to do. It was pretty much “love at first sight.” But, maybe growing up watching Walt Disney movies such as Lady and the Tramp, Lion King and Bambi also influenced me. I’m not among…
Biblical Animals: Times When God Used Animals to Accomplish His Purpose (Part 3)
While more than half of the world may believe in how the universe was created from a hot and dense tiny ball, Christians believe that God created the heavens, the Earth and all the living things. And therefore, the whole creation belongs to God only. The story of how God created the universe and all…
What would happen if bees became extinct?
Many of the factors why our bee populations are in serious peril were discussed in a recent blog. So, what would happen if bees were extinct entirely? Why should we be concerned? What would a world without bees look like, and what problems would it bring for humans, animals, and plants? Bees are one of…
Biblical Animals:Times When God Used Animals to Accomplish His Purpose
I’ve been a firm believer and follower of Christ for more than 20 years now. I pray and read the Bible regularly. If you ask me a question about tithe or judgment day, I’ll be able to guide you based on what I learned from Biblical scriptures. Yet, no matter how much we study the…
3 Reasons Why You Should And Shouldn’t Be Eating Meat?
You may not know, but the world is consuming more and more meat; even though there is a sudden shift to a vegan diet, a considerable amount of meat is still being consumed, which may affect the environment. You may be asking how eating a steak or your fave McDonald’s hamburger may be detrimental to…
How Changes In Your Diet Can Benefit The Planet
Since our childhood, we have learned that food provides us with the energy we need to carry our everyday tasks. Protein, carbs, veggies, and fruits are the basis of the food group. In the past decade, humans have been producing and wasting too much food, causing a major health and environmental impact. Food that we…
Animals of the Zoo: Sidelights on Zoological Collections
Very few people think of the zoo as an educational institution, yet that is just what it is. The modern zoological collection is no hit-or-miss assortment of animals gathered together to amaze and amuse the casual observer. Instead, the collection is carefully planned and arranged to bring to the visitor the story of the animal…
Learn about Worms: Animals We Love to Hate
From ancient folk stories to animated movies, worms are among those animals that do not often play the hero. Fair or not, many of us don’t like these invertebrate animals with soft and elongated bodies. However, this article is an opportunity to learn more about them. Worms The word “worm” is popularly applied to a…
Whales – Largest Creatures on Earth
Whales are among the most fascinating creatures that have ever lived on earth and one of them, the blue whale, is the largest. In ancient times, people used to think that whales were fearsome monsters of the ocean depths. And so to hunt a whale, was a high adventure and people found this adventure rewarding…