A person on Quora once said that our models of spacetime geometry need rethinking and rewriting. And, so do many scientific theories because many of them are not backed up by data and facts, but by mere guesses and speculations.
So, let’s find out about some of the strangest scientific theories ever proposed.
White Holes Exist
You may have heard a lot of things about black holes, how they evaporate their mass, and how their center is a singularity. A white hole, though hypothetically, is the opposite of a black hole.
Think of it in the sense that a black hole is a place you can enter but can never escape from, while a white hole is a place you can leave and never go back to. To this end, white holes basically have one passageway where entry is impossible.
Most of us are familiar with the Big Bang Theory –the theory that says that Earth was created in a cosmic explosion and evolution took us up to the point we are now. Well, there are some who suggest that a white hole could have been responsible for the Big Bang. It would certainly be a good way to explain how all the energy and matter suddenly appeared and ejected all of the matter that had been swallowed by a black hole. This theory is explored in detail in a scientific paper written by Jose Edgar Madriz Arguilar, Mauricio Bellini and Claudia Moreno in 2013 – and trust me, it’s well worth a read!
While there is a great deal of evidence to substantiate the existence of black holes, there is very little to prove that white holes exist. In fact, white holes are either thought to be unrealistic or just a curious concept in science.
A Matrix Universe
The worldwide famous movie “Matrix” is more or less about a virtual reality world, if not a prison, created by Al. As some would say, it’s about a simulation where the world is set as the “present” time and surprising, according to some scientists, they believe we are living in that “simulation.”
To summarize, they believe we are currently living in a computer program and the computers or the programs are stimulating our consciousness or the image that we shape as reality.
If you want to learn more about Simulation Hypothesis, click here!
You Create a New Universe Every Time You Make a Decision
Excuse me, what??
The “many worlds” theory in quantum mechanics claims that with every new decision made, a new universe is born. This interpretation of quantum mechanics has to do with the idea of a wave function, in particular the universal wave function. If you are not familiar with the wave function theory, click here to learn more about it.
The many-worlds interpretation itself says (in layman’s terms) that everything in the past that could have –but did not –happen in the universe you live in has happened in an alternate universe (or universes, meaning multiple universes playing out the same thing that did not happen in ours).
Honestly, I don’t believe in this theory. This notion is one of the most ridiculous philosophical leaps made by people trying to interpret quantum mechanics. Even if there is a slight possibility that a multi universe is real, I can all but guarantee you that it would not be of the variety that creates a new parallel universe for every available outcome. The problem with every explanation of a multi-universe system is that they always use the “decision” example. For instance, “there is another universe where you had the white wine instead of the red.” This kind of explanation seems dumb and misleading to me.
Randomness is nothing but a white flag; a scientists’ way for saying, “we have got no clue yet why this is happening this way.”