We all know that climate change is happening, and at an alarming rate, it is now time that we take our responsibilities by being more environmentally friendly than ever. It is no wrong to say that eco-friendly living is taking the world by storm right now. It is noted that the young generation is becoming more environmental-conscious than the older ones, and by fact, there is more youth in the fight against climate change. “Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing, but footprints.” This popular motto of “Leave No Trace Camping” campaign, it speaks to its overall goal: having as little impact on your outdoor location as possible. Camping is one of the best ways to reconnect with nature as one; it is an activity that many people have come to know as one of their favorite pastimes. There are many different ways to camp – glamping (glamorous camping) and traditional camping. Whatever your camping interest may be, everyone needs to be conscious when in nature and respect it.

If you are planning to go camping soon or maybe later, then here are some ways in which you can keep the campgrounds clean and environmentally friendly.
Camp with Used Gear
If you’re an avid outdoor adventurer who spends as many nights sleeping in a tent as you possibly can, it makes sense to invest in your camping gear. When shopping for a tent, sleeping bag, lantern, camping stove, etc., don’t rule out used equipment. You may be able to save money and end up with higher quality gear than you would if you purchased everything new.
If you don’t camp often but have friends that do, ask to borrow equipment. You can also look into renting gear. This keeps the material impact of your trip to a minimum, prevents you from having to create storage space in your apartment for stuff you don’t use often, and saves you money.
Bring Reusable Dishes
You’re not going to want to bring your finest china and pewter silverware on a camping trip, but that doesn’t mean you have to go out and purchase a disposable dining set. If you have durable plates, bowls, and cups that don’t expect everything to you, bring them for your meals. For silverware, the same rules apply. Many campsites have washing stations where you can clean dishes between meals, so you should only have to bring enough cookware and cutlery for everyone in your party to eat together if you need meal ideas or a kitchen checklist.

Bring a bike
Biking is proven to be both fun and good for your health, and also great for the environment. Use bikes for short distances, it is easier to park, and you are quicker with a bike than a car. Plus point is that you can explore more areas than you could in a car. There is also the chance to save money as you are using less gas.
Build Safe and Responsible Campfires
With fire danger high in some parts of the country and air-quality related restrictions on recreational fires in place in others, you should always make sure you’re campfires are allowed before you build one. If you do burn a campfire, use an established fire ring, fast-growing, seasoned firewood, and as little charcoal and lighter fluid as possible.
Use an Eco-Friendly Waste Management Kit
Choose a full-service campground, and you shouldn’t have to worry about much except for bringing your toilet paper (campgrounds are notorious for running out!). Opt to have a more rustic camping experience, however, and you’ll need to be prepared when nature calls. Eco-friendly waste management kits include mini-shovels, biodegradable toilet paper, and straightforward instructions for use. They are small, hygienic, make you feel good about not leaving a trace, and are fun to laugh about with fellow first-time users.

Use earth-friendly cleaning products
Camping doesn’t always have to mean dirty! Keep in mind whatever detergent you will be going straight into the ground with very little dilution. Make sure you use something as sensitive to the ground as it is on your hands. This year (and every other year!) uses cleaning products that will make the toilets, floors, windows, and every inch of surface clean with a fresh smell. No surface was left dirty, and not a square foot of earth was offended.
Bring Earth-Friendly Toiletries
On the note of environmentally conscious bathroom practices, pack only eco-friendly toiletries. Biodegradable soaps, shampoos, and all-natural creams and lotions are much better for the rudimentary plumbing infrastructure found at most camping sites, not to mention the ground soil and surrounding environment.
Now that you know what an eco-friendly camping trip entail, are you up to the challenge? Make a point of planning a trip with the lowest possible environmental impact. Choose an appealing campsite that is relatively close to your apartment, and bring as few disposable materials as possible.
If at any time you feel like being eco-friendly is too burdensome, just take a look at the wildlife around you and remember what’s sustaining you and your lifestyle. A green camping trip is a great way to show your respect to Mother Nature.